December 3, 2009

Kitchen Compy Update

Caring Compy has been hard at work in optimizing our prototype iMac G3 Kitchen Compy. The system is far more robust and faster than ever before. Here is the list of features it can do:

  • Browses the web
  • Watches videos
  • Instant Messages
  • Listens to online radio
  • Manages your music library
  • Checks email
  • Connects to your home's existing wireless network
  • Plays media from networked devices
  • Rips CDs

Caring Compy has paired up with Southeastern Data in the effort to save these lovely iMac G3s from the salvage yard by giving them new life and use. We have provided Southeastern Data with an installed machine that they will be able to clone and make available to the public. They in turn have donated an iMac G3 to us with the promise of more things to come. If you are interested in getting one of these machines, please contact Jon Rutishauser at Southeastern Data.

Also, special thanks goes to David Lanham. He is a talented artist and has agreed to let us use his art as the default desktop wallpaper. Thank you David.

DSCN3691 firefox
im lastfm

More images can be see on our Flickr page.

Much Needed RAM Received

We would like to give a big thank-you to Homer Lindsey for donating RAM to us. This is an item that we are always in need of, especially the harder to find older RAM. This donation will be put to good use. Thank you Homer! If you are interested in seeing a list of items that we currently need, please visit our Needed Items page.